What is decent post in blog anyway? Everyone is typing what they want without any standards what should blog contain!
So I am gonna whine a little more about myself and my life and my future!
Maybe some of you know, that I am studying Web Design. At first I thought that I am gonna like it, because I am kinda artistic and I kinda really like computers (lol really?) But After 2nd year I am doubting it, and this is my 3rd year and I am trying to stick and finish it till the end. Hate this.
There are some programs I hate. Adobe Flash, Adobe Dreamviewer and Notepad!
Now again I am ball of confusion. Fucking Gemini.
I can start many many things, because I am interested in many things, but to finish one?! No No, not me.
I may have talent in every area, but I can't call myself extra talented in any.
So what the hell I am gonna do with my life?
One is sure, I am not gonna try and survive in this country. That wouldn't be living. Sorry Latvia, you've let me down too many times, and I can't breath here.
I want to study Journalism, Reporter. To have my own Tv Show. To be recognized. But do I want it in Latvia, If I feel like running away and never looking back?
Will I be good enough to achieve something so big in UK?
Doubts, doubts, confusion and insecurity.
I need society and I want to be alone.