otrdiena, 2011. gada 12. aprīlis

Decent Post

What is decent post in blog anyway? Everyone is typing what they want without any standards what should blog contain!

So I am gonna whine a little more about myself and my life and my future!

Maybe some of you know, that I am studying Web Design. At first I thought that I am gonna like it, because I am kinda artistic and I kinda really like computers (lol really?) But After 2nd year I am doubting it, and this is my 3rd year and I am trying to stick and finish it till the end. Hate this.
There are some programs I hate. Adobe Flash, Adobe Dreamviewer and Notepad!

Now again I am ball of confusion. Fucking Gemini.
I can start many many things, because I am interested in many things, but to finish one?! No No, not me.
I may have talent in every area, but I can't call myself extra talented in any.

So what the hell I am gonna do with my life?
One is sure, I am not gonna try and survive in this country. That wouldn't be living. Sorry Latvia, you've let me down too many times, and I can't breath here.

I want to study Journalism, Reporter. To have my own Tv Show. To be recognized. But do I want it in Latvia, If I feel like running away and never looking back?
Will I be good enough to achieve something so big in UK?
Doubts, doubts, confusion and insecurity.

I need society and I want to be alone.

3 komentāri:

  1. Man, piemeram, ari nepatik telnieki, vai ka mes tur tagad saucamies))) Man gribas nodarboties pilnigi cita sfera. ES domaju pec skolas uz reiz braukt uz sito skolu http://www.gsa.ac.uk/gsa.cfm , jo tur ir bezmaksas izglitiba, un tas notiek Glasgowa, kas ari it ka UK. Es gribeju macities Londona, bet man vienkarsi nav tas naudas maksat par izglitibu. Bet tur es var but iesu uz texstiliem, va juvieliriem. Kad atsutis savas portfolio uz dazam valstim, un vismaz 2 tevi pienems, tas nozimes, ka tu tur deres. Pameigini sevis viss kaut kados konkursos. Pameigini pastradat freelance. Uzzime savu apgerbu kolekciju, izdoma kaut ko jauno latvija. piem, zurnalu. Dzive, mode. Un savac studentos, visu noarganize.. Nu tas ta))

  2. Es pat ari labprat uz Glasgovu dotos, bet es tiesham nesaprotu ko Skoti runaa! Skotu akcents ir vnk neiespejams!
    Organizesana. Uj. Man tas noziimee haosu! :D

  3. Man ari ar to bija problemas.. Bet gan jau pierast var
